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Health & Wellbeing

Twenty million Mexican children and adolescents are estimated to live in poverty, and five million of them in extreme poverty (UNICEF)


Children most often arrive at our home in poor health. They are immediately assessed by a doctor, a dentist and a psychologist, and a personalized plan is created involving healthcare professionals and therapists.

We consider the whole child when we address children’s healthcare - mind, body, heart and spirit. This approach is enmeshed in every part of their daily lives.

Parado en una pelota

Pediatric Disease

Children have the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and access to health care services

(Article 24 Convention on the Rights of the Child)

More than 90% of our new arrivals bring with them no health or immunization records, clinical backgrounds or family health histories.  Add to this, apprehension around sharing personal information for fear of discrimination or rejection.  In the photo above, Juliana tries desperately to explain to Melissa that she can't hear.  This was our first health issue and a big one at that as we set out to find hearing aides and a speech therapist!


Pediatric conditions and diseases we have been presented  with include:

Anemia, Asthma, Obesity, Incontinence, Chickenpox, Epilepsy,  Schizophrenia, Despression, Anxiety, Anorexia, Syncope, Scoliosis, Measles, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Brain Tumors, Ovarian Cysts, Fever, Malnutrition, Lactose Intolerance, Kidney Stones, Urethral Stricture, Fetal alcohol syndrome, Amenorrhea, Ankyloglossia, Energetic Attachments, Speech impediments, Hearing impairment, Aphasia, Dental Caries, Testicular hernias, Trauma, Candidiasis, Bronchiolitis, Digital Deformaties, Insomnia, Hyperdontia, Nightmares...




Snapshot of Corazón's Diet

In Child Growth and Development, Nutrition comes first!

Our Nutrition Program guarantees excellent health, strengthening  immunity through a healthy, lactose and junk-food-free, mainly vegan, reduced sugar, diet.  And of course, our very own homeopathic supplements


Corazón's Cocina serves four beautiful meals each day and this, together with exercise, personal hygiene and a good night's sleep mean our children and youth are the vision of health. 

No digestive problems, no acne, no immune-related illnesses!


Help us maintain their excellent health by sponsoring a child or making a one-time donation.


Physical Activity

The effects of trauma are far reaching and Corazón's response is a multi-disciplinary approach to healing,  exposing them to a activities & healthy habits that allow them to design a new lifestyle, a new identity - changing the cycle.

Two hours of physical activity daily, reduces symptoms of postraumatic stress, improves brain health and cognitive function, reduces risk of anxiety and depression,​ improves sleep and overall health and well-being. 


Vision & Hearing

Annual Vision and Hearing testing takes place with treatments where necessary. 

24 of our students require eyewear.


You can contribute to Vision and Hearing Care for children!


Preventative Health

Find out how Corazón uses Preventative Medicine to keep vulnerable Mexican children and youth healthy

During the global pandemic and since, our children and youth have been healthier than ever. 

All benefitted from Preventative Medicine strengthening immune, endocrine and circulatory systems. 

All were provided ongoing medical attention/treatment including Annual Medical Exams, Chiropractic, Gynaecological and Dermatological Attention, vaccinations and treatments for simple medical situations. 

Nobody residing in the Corazón Santuary had COVID or a flu that lasted more than 24 hours.


Mental Health & Healing

Ofelia Godinez Prado, Psychology Professor at University of Guadalajara (PV Campus) and Corazón's in-house counsellor has lead both group and individual therapy for eight years, carrying out evaluations, identifying issues requiring attention, designing personalized programs for healing and empowerment. Mental, emotional and spiritual health conditions are addressed head-on at Corazón with over 200 stories told of abuse, abandonment and exploitation. Tremendous compassion, encouragement and peer support facilitate healing and transformation!  The results are evident - increased self-esteem, emotional intelligence and inner strength -  all thanks to Ofelia's ongoing commitment and years of experience working with victims of intrafamilial violence and trauma.  

When months or even years of talk therapy are not making the fundamental changes necessary for a little person to heal and transcend, we look for other possibilities, attacking trauma from as many sides as necessary to break through.  Healing at Corazón is multifaceted and  involves Music therapy, Prayer, Meditation, Yoga,  Equine Therapy, Universal Energy, Art Therapy, Aromatherapy, Canine Therapy, Homepathy, Reiki, Tree Therapy and most recently and with great success - Access Conscience & Bars Therapy!  

Exposición (4)

Dental Care

Dental exams are performed every six months along with required follow-up work. Surgery, tooth replacements and orthodontic care are carried out by Dra. Tere Valle and her team!

Faith, Healing and Resilience

Faith conquers fear and is essential to any healing process. Faith restores hope, trust and self-esteem creating a state of balance, grace and resilience.  At Corazón, it is at the heart of everything we do.  Read more

Our Results

In 2021

120,700 Nutritious Meals Served

12 Children and Youth no longer suffer from obesity

All Children vaccinated

27 Children/Youth received Chiropractic care

16 Children received new prescription eyewear

12 Children underwent corrective dental surgery

12 Children in Orthodontic Care

6 Children taken off prescription meds for attention deficit, anxiety and depression

10 Emergency medical interventions and care provided

All Children & youth received homeopathic preventative medication

All Children & youth involved in a daily exercise routine

9 Youth Treated for Hormonal issues requiring Intervention

12 Diagnostic Exams (x-ray, ultrasound, CT Scans, etc.)


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