Fundraiser for Corazón: Highland Park, Illinois
If you are in the Chicago area, please attend this event!
September Birthdays at Corazón!
What we have accomplished!
September 2024
Green School Activities!
Monday clean up...
Tree Planting!
Secondary Boys: Public speaking
Language & Literature
Sustainability: Making birthday cakes!
Humanities & Human Rights
Corazón's Inclusive Educational Program:
Welcomes Mia!
With every new challenge, an opportunity to learn. Mía is our newest addition! She is a darling autistic child, now attending Corazón's Day School Program, a new experience for all of us.
We feel so blessed to have her, rising to the challenge of designing an educational experience that meets her needs, learning all about the importance of textures, sounds, smells... such a blessing also for Mía's Mom who is on her own, unable to pay private school fees, looked everywhere in PV to find an Educational Program that would accept her a child with autism.
Best of all, has been the response of our children, Mía's classmates, welcoming her from day one with open arms, including her in every activity, demonstrating so much compassion as Mía adapts to life at Corazón!
Returning Student Testimony
The desire to reach the goal: Sandra Fregoso
El afán de alcanzar la meta: Sandra Fregoso
Soy Sandra, llegué a Fundación Corazón de Niña cuando tenía 13 años, por una situación de riesgo de abuso sexual, junto con mi hermana menor, mi prima y mi sobrina recién nacida. Estuve aquí durante 6 años y me fui cuando tenía 19 años y medio, porque mi hermana se había ido de la Fundación y creí que yo le podía ayudar más a ella si yo vivía fuera de la Fundación. Tuve mucho que aprender.
Mientras estuve afuera me la pasaba mayormente en el trabajo, de vez en cuando doblaba turno, y solía trabajar horas extra ya que mi compañero de trabajo llegaba tarde con frecuencia. Aprendí diversas cosas entre ellas el saber valerme por mí misma y desarrollé mi paciencia. Desafortunadamente, no pude seguir con mis estudios por falta de tiempo.
Lo que me hizo volver a la Fundación fue más que nada el querer seguir adelante, además de que de cierto modo extrañaba el entorno familiar de la Fundación al que estaba acostumbrada. Ya tenía otra perspectiva pues anteriormente creía que todo era más fácil de conseguir pero estando afuera me di cuenta que no lo es verdaderamente no es tan sencillo desde que volví a la Fundación siento que funciono mucho mejor y me desesenvuelvo mucho mejor.
Estoy en un entorno en el que me siento bien, además de que siento que fluyo bien con la casa, también he retomado mis estudios y voy a mitad de carrera en Psicología. Me siento mucho más conforme con mis logros y me siento mucho más capaz. Recibo del Programa de Becas muchísimo apoyo, desde vivienda estudiantil independiente, buena alimentación, ejercicio y una vida sana, desarrollo personal y profesional y la oportunidad de terminar mis estudios y con un apoyo económico.
Mi consejo para los jóvenes es que deben enfocarse en la meta no solo en los obstáculos. Reconocer que a veces villanizamos de una manera a ciertas personas que realmente quieren ayudarnos mientras idolatramos a otras que nos quieren ver bien pero no mejor que ell@s. Por esto considero importante que se den cuenta quienes son las personas que realmente quieren tu bien y enfocarse en el objetivo en lugar de los problemas que muchas veces son mínimas, como una gota de agua en un océano. La perseverancia y el afán de alcanzar la meta son cosas que no se deben perder de vista.
I am Sandra, I came to Fundación Corazón de Niña when I was 13 years old. My younger sister, my cousin, my newborn niece and I were rescued from a high-risk situation involving sexual abuse. I was here for 6 years and left when I was 19 and a half. My sister had left and I thought I could help her more if I lived on my own. I had so much to learn.
While I was away I spent most of my time at work, occasionally I would double shift, and I was often asked to work overtime because my coworker was late. While I was away, I learned several things including how to take care of myself and developed my patience. Unfortunately, I was unable to continue with my studies due to lack of time.
What brought me back to the Foundation was more than anything the desire to move forward, in addition to the fact that in a certain way I missed the family environment of the to which I was accustomed. I already had another perspective because previously I believed that everything was easier to achieve but being on my own I realized that it is not really that simple, since I returned to the Foundation I feel that I function and develop much better.
I am in an environment in which I feel good, in addition to the fact that I feel that I flow well with the house, I have also resumed my studies and I am halfway through my degree in Psychology. I feel much more satisfied with my achievements and I feel much more capable. I receive a lot of support from Corazón's Scholarship Program, from independent student housing, good nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle, good personal and professional development in addition to the opportunity to finish my studies with financial support.
My advice to young people is that they should focus on the goal and not only on the obstacles. Recognizing that sometimes we villainize certain people who really want to help us while we idolize others who want to see us well, just not better than them. For this reason, I consider it important to realize who the people are who really want what is best for you and focus on the objective rather than the problems that are often minimal, just a drop of water in the ocean. Perseverance and the desire to reach the goal are things that should not be lost sight of.
Volunteering at Corazón: English with Joe Carman!
Joe has been volunteering at Corazón for six years, Facilitating the Saturday English Conversation Club and so much more! Read his testimony below:
Joe Carman, Volunteer
In 2018 I brought my daughter to Corazón to begin volunteering as an English teacher. I had a choice to wait in the car or join her. I joined and was immediately hooked by the kids. Six years later, I’m still teaching.
Over that time and through a pandemic, I’ve seen the consistent care and opportunity afforded the ever-changing population of children. From health care and education to cultural events, like formal graduations to the annual Quinceañera, the kids get much more than the basics. Even some university graduates!
I have also witnessed the frustrating difficulty of completely breaking the cycle of poverty and abuse. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that each child touched by Corazón has a better opportunity and will be a better person in the future.
Independence Day: Primary & Middle School Girls
Thanks to all of you who helped make Back to School possible this year! We do still need help with uniforms, supplies and educational material. If you would like to support our educational program, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation!
Corazón Family